Ngāi Tamarāwaho Peri Kohu Memorial Scholarship

The Ngāi Tamarāwaho Peri Kohu Memorial Scholarship is aimed at developing professional expertise for the long-term benefit of the hapū. Applicants must whakapapa to the hapū, must have completed at least one year of study towards a professional qualification, and be intending to continue said full-time study at a tertiary institution in the year following this application.
Preference will be given to a student studying any of medicine, dentistry, engineering, law, accountancy, business studies or science. The Scholarship is an annual award of $5,000, paid in two installments to the successful candidate. Applications close on 30 November each year.
Click here to view the application form and criteria or contact Jo Wilson at the Acorn Foundation for more information.
About Peri Kohu
Peri Reweti Kohu was born in 1951 in Nuhaka and educated at Bethlehem Native School (now named Bethlehem School) and Church College of New Zealand in Hamilton. He was a musician, historian and researcher in raupatu and whakapapa issues for the Ngāti Ranginui hapu Ngāi Tamarāwaho. Peri was one of three Treaty negotiators for Ngāi Tamarawaho, his mandate being whakapapa. He was a consultant to Transit New Zealand, Tauranga City Council and Western Bay of Plenty Council, and he wrote an article in Te Iwi o Aotearoa assessing the honouring of the Treaty of Waitangi prior to the 1990 commemorations of the signing of the Treaty.
To those who knew him, he was a good, humble man who was passionate about growing a public cultural awareness of Tauranga’s heritage. “He was good to his whanau, to his hapū, to his iwi, to the wider tangata whenua of Tauranga Moana, to his LDS church and to his Tauranga community in general. He always looked for opportunities to say and do the right thing,” – Buddy Mikaere