Christine Tustain Classical Music Award

An annual prize of $2,000 to assist a student to further their studies in classical music (singing or instrumental).
Applicants must provide evidence that they are engaged in, or have been accepted for, an advanced study programme or specialised course in classical music.
Applicants must:
- Have received at least part of their secondary education in Tauranga or Western Bay of Plenty; and/or
- Currently reside in Tauranga or Western Bay of Plenty.
The Selection Panel will consist of a representative of Creative Bay of Plenty, the Acorn Foundation and of the classical music community, to determine the most suitable candidate.
Applications are via Creative BOP.
About Christine Tustain:
Born in England, Chris and her family emigrated to New Zealand when she was five years old, settling in Whangarei. At 16, she began working at the National Bank in Whangarei and continued to work for the bank at Te Puke and Tauranga branches for most of her working life in New Zealand.
Chris set off on her first overseas trip at the age of 24, igniting a serious passion for travel, and has since visited no less than 80 countries.
Upon retirement from the bank, Chris joined the St John volunteer team, working as a Friend of the Emergency Department at Tauranga Hospital.
Chris is an avid tennis player, being involved at the Otumoetai Tennis Club since 1980, where she has been treasurer and club captain at different times. She enjoys keeping fit with cycling, walking and swimming.
She is passionate about animals and the environment and has been an incredibly generous supporter of performing artists and budding young sportspeople. She has provided many awards in those areas over the years.
Chris Tustain’s support for those who excel in classical music and sports in the Western Bay of Plenty will continue for generations to come.