Our Recipient Charities

Waihi Beach Community Centre
Website: www.waihibeachhall.co.nz/
Tel: 07 863 1138
The Waihi Beach Community Centre provides the community with a suitable and affordable venue to hold various events throughout the year, such as the Antiques Fair, the Op Shop Ball, and sporting competitions including the Bowling Club and Badminton Club. The local school uses the hall for gymnastics and athletics. The Council hire an area for the local Library, and the Supper Room and the kitchen is hired out for four days per week for a programme called A FRIENDS PLACE - a social group for older people.
A FRIENDS PLACE is a successful practical solution to reducing isolation, depression and loneliness among the older population of Waihi Beach. From Tuesday to Friday (four days each week), people are coming along to join in and enjoy the set programme which includes: Discussion Groups, Crafts, Card Club, Board Games, Artworx Group, Musicians Club, and a Beauty/Pampering afternoon. A session costs $5 to attend and includes transport if required, morning or afternoon tea, and lunch. With the help of volunteers, family members, local agencies and businesses they are working collectively to build an effective strong community service that is focusing on the vulnerability of the older people in Waihi Beach and in the surrounding areas of Athenree, Bowentown, Katikati, and Waihi.