Our Recipient Charities

Te Tuhi Mareikura Trust
Website: www.tetuhimareikura.org/
Tel: (07) 213 2213
Te Tuhi Mareikura Charitable Trust (TMT) is passionately dedicated to the vision of building a strong Maori collective identity for those of the Tauranga Moana region through the ongoing development of a strong cultural art legacy.
TMT brings audiences and artists together to experience, explore and develop the Tauranga Moana region and its people. TMT’s approach to strengthening the ongoing development of Māori arts predicates ongoing positive Māori identity and participation in society.
TMT’s Youth Programme Toi Ohooho taps into the depth of creative talent in the Bay of Plenty region and the wealth of skills our artists can offer to our rangatahi. TMT recognises that Māori arts are important to understanding our place in the world and as people who call Tauranga Moana home. Youth will experience personal journeys and hands-on art projects with artists and mentors and will have explored art-making all over the rohe.