Our Recipient Charities

Katikati Primary School
Website: www.katikati.school.nz
Tel: (07) 549 0105
Katikati Primary School is a high achieving primary school set within a vibrant and supportive community, where teachers, whānau and the wider community work together to provide children with rich and diverse learning opportunities. It is future focused, continually striving to inspire and engage children, enabling them to develop self-confidence along with interpersonal and problem-solving skills necessary to reach their full potential.
As educators, one of the biggest challenges is to cater for the individual needs of its students. Katikati Primary School receive support from the Paul Goodyear fund which was established by Alan Goodyear in memory of his son Paul. The funds support individualised maths, reading and science programmes for the children as well as a kapa haka programme. Alan is consistently looking for additional ways to support the school.
The funding is making a substantial difference to Katikati Primary School and the ongoing success of the children. They are extremely grateful to Alan for choosing them as the Paul Goodyear Fund recipient.