Our Recipient Charities

Grief Support Services
Website: www.griefsupport.org.nz
Tel: 07 578 4480
Grief Support Services has been serving our community since 1987. Since 2008, they have been providing subsidised professional grief and loss counselling and information across the socio-economic spectrum. Their geographical area is the Western Bay of Plenty.
Grief is not only a response to bereavement but can occur following any loss or unwelcome change such as the break-up of a relationship or marriage, fractured family relationships, financial loss, redundancy, injury or illness of self or of a friend/family member.
Vulnerable individuals and families/whanau are supported by encouraging their understanding of themselves and each other so they may manage the turmoil of grief and loss, adjust to huge changes and attain their aspirations for their quality of life.
Grief counselling can lessen the risk of depression and suicidal ideation. As people grow their support systems and tools of resilience they are less likely to turn to drugs, alcohol, self-harm or other unhelpful tools to cope.