Our Recipient Charities

Gender Dynamix
Website: www.genderdynamix.org.nz/
Tel: 07 548 2972
Gender Dynamix is a clinical and social organisation meeting the specific mental health service needs of the Transgender and Nonbinary community of the Western Bay of Plenty through their unique framework of care.
Their goal is to work with individuals and whānau to best meet their needs in a clinical manner in accordance with national and international standards of care and LGBTQI+ cultural sensitivities. Gender Dynamix respectfully works in partnership with the spirit of the Treaty of Waitangi. Gender Dynamix is a charitable trust in the Western Bay of Plenty supporting Trans and Nonbinary [Gender-Diverse/Gender-Minorities] people. Their staff is comprised of a Clinical Psychologist, (IPS) Intentional Peer Support, Educators, Advocates, Gender Counsellors, and more.
The ABCs of their Mission Framework:
A – Authentic Selves: We strive to build a safe, welcoming, and inclusive space for all Trans people to feel free to explore their sense of self and live their lives authentically.
B - Better Outcomes: We aim to promote better outcomes in all areas of life for Trans people, their whānau, and our community at large. We are dedicated to personalised individual, family, and group care options. We work with each client to best meet their needs in accordance to up-to-date standards of care, informed consent, and individualised treatment interventions.
C- Committed to Community: We are a small community of providers, peers, and advocates committed to clinical and social support for the transgender and nonbinary people, their whānau, and their supports within the Bay of Plenty.