Our Recipient Charities

Envirohub Bay of Plenty
Website: envirohub.org.nz
Tel: 07 578 6664
Envirohub Bay of Plenty is one of 18 environment centres around NZ, all working hard to help local communities learn about, and act on environmental issues that support a sustainable future.
In the Bay of Plenty, Envirohub works as a conduit between those living, educating, creating, and dreaming in harmony with the environment and those seeking a deeper connection within the world in which they exist. Whilst Tauranga based, the many programs undertaken are Bay wide from Eastern Bay, Western Bay and through to Rotorua.
Programs delivered such as Waiariki Park Region, Sustainable Backyards, Predator Free and Precious Plastic, help connect Envirohub to communities to share the message of sustainability. The programs provide opportunities to show deep respect for our environment and act bravely on its behalf, to be innovative, credible, memorable and crucially to Influence behaviour change by acting locally to bring awareness to our natural and urban environments. From cooking classes to fashion shows, forest planting to backyard pest control, recycling to regeneration, Envirohub has something for everyone to get involved in, encouraging green hearts, green hands and green minds.