Our Recipient Charities

Brain Injured Children Trust
Website: www.braininjuredchildrentrust.co.nz
Tel: 07 578 9694
The Brain Injured Children Trust provides practical, financial, social and emotional support to families who have a child affected by brain Injury and severe developmental delays. Their organisation encourages parents to be the best possible advocates for their child and help their brain injured child to flourish and reach his or her full potential.
Parent Quote - “You want the best possible care and treatment for them but it all costs, so lines have to be drawn and that plays on you and creates a feeling of guilt that you could be doing more. I know it shouldn’t, but it does. Every parent wants what's best for their child and we want more than anything to provide her with opportunities to flourish and achieve as much as her able-bodied siblings and peers and its hard knowing there is always other things you could be doing given a bottomless pit of money and time.” – Tracy
Funding is vital to the organisation as it enables profoundly brain damaged children to receive therapy and interventions to give them every opportunity to reach their full potential. These therapies & treatments are either not covered under any other financial assistance or are simply not available in New Zealand.
Acorn funding literally helps brain Injured children learn to walk and talk, impacting on the quality of life they grow to achieve.