Our Recipient Charities

Boys Brigade NZ
Website: www.bb.org.nz/
Tel: +64 (09) 448 1157
Boys Brigade New Zealand Vision Statement: "Growing boys to men".
Boys Brigade's mission is to give every boy in NZ the opportunity to participate in our holistic life development BB and Edge Workshop programs provided by volunteers who act as mentors, teaching and modelling life skills and values that prepare boys for successful adulthood and to develop into men who are constructive, active, caring, resilient, innovative young leaders and contributing citizens.
- Edge Workshop "in school" program at Tauranga Intermediate, Merivale, Welcome Bay, Katikati College Arataki, Tauranga Primary and Gate Pa Primary Schools, (plus others out of WBOP area), to address literacy, engagement, and behavioural issues for "at risk" boys and others in need of positive male role models.
- Edge Workshop programs include Education outside of the classroom (EOTC), construction projects, outdoor cooking and teaching of careful/correct use of hand and battery power tools.
- Edge Curriculum resources link the program to the Five Key Competencies of the National Curriculum.
- Edge students involved in projects that raise conservation and environmental awareness, appreciation, and involvement, enhancing flora and fauna, contributing to pest destruction or removal which includes the construction of rat traps, nesting boxes and feeding boxes for birds.