Our Recipient Charities

Bay of Plenty Therapy Foundation
Website: www.boptherapyfoundation.co.nz
Tel: 0800 267 831
The Bay of Plenty Therapy Foundation provides funded counselling for people that are unable to afford counselling and are not eligible for funding from any other source. Their vision is to develop well balanced and thriving individuals, children and families and they do this by ensuring counselling services accessible to people who are most vulnerable.
These services are especially helpful for people who are on low incomes and who are unable to access funded counselling through any other source. They are now able to see a professional counsellor without a referral from a doctor, which reduces the financial barrier. Up to 8 counselling sessions are available, with an additional 5 being provided where there is a higher need. This is often enough time for the counsellor to help people and families to get back on track and to assist with bringing in other agencies to support them through their journey.
The Bay of Plenty Therapy Foundation also offers Women’s retreats in Tauranga, where they give women who are in a caregiving role and on low incomes an opportunity to come together over a weekend. The women are looked after and provided with tools and techniques delivered by two professional counsellors to help them continue in the role in a positive and meaningful way. Not only will the women themselves benefit, their children, families and the wider community will benefit from women with a renewed sense of coping in difficult situations and looking after themselves.