Our Recipient Charities

Awhina House
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AwhinaHouseHineNgakau
Tel: 07 777 0944
Awhina House is Tauranga's women only transitional housing provider, caring for homeless women in our community, operated by He Kaupapa Kotahitanga Charitable Trust (HKKT), having a combination of paid and volunteer staff.
Awhina House has 12 beds and works hard to empower women, helping them transform their lives. Working with a range of other local providers, they facilitate wraparound services, to help women gain independence and move into housing of their own.
Awhina House offers an initial 12 weeks’ accommodation (which can be extended).
In May 2021, recognising the further need in our homeless community, HKKT opened Hine Ngākau, a walk-in overnight shelter, which offers beds and kai for up to 7 homeless wāhine. Hine Ngākua is open 5 nights a week, from Sunday through to Thurs day.
The mission statement for the Trust is to "nurture, advocate for, and protect displaced women in Tauranga Moana" with a vision that "no woman in Tauranga Moana wake up in the morning without a hopeful future" - Tania Lewis-Rickard, Board Chair, HKKT.