Our Recipient Charities

Arthritis New Zealand
Website: www.arthritis.org.nz
Tel: 0800 663463
Arthritis is a term used for more than 140 conditions that affect the joints. Pain and stiffness are the most common symptoms.
Arthritis can affect people of all ages and can involve almost any part of the body, most often the knee, hip, spine, and other weight-bearing joints and smaller joints like fingers and toes. Some types of arthritis affect the skin and internal organs as well as joints.
Arthritis New Zealand aims to improve the life of every person affected by arthritis. It is a national not-for-profit organisation focused on raising awareness, funding research, advocating for those with arthritis and providing advice and support.
Services include a national toll-free number for information and advice on how to manage your arthritis, online support groups, peer support service, camps, online courses for health professionals, webinars, short video clips, useful factsheets and resources.