Our Recipient Charities

Abbeyfield WBOP
Website: www.abbeyfield.co.nz/house/wbop/
Tel: 027 4579 686
Abbeyfield was established in Aotearoa in 1992 and its housing model is tried and tested internationally. Abbeyfield houses allow residents to build social connections, engage with their community and live fulfilling lives.
The Abbeyfield model provides each resident with an ensuite unit with their own front door and raised garden; communal dining and living areas and a housekeeper who provides 2 nutritious hot meals a day and a ‘help yourself’ breakfast. All this is affordable on national super.
Isolation and loneliness are key issues for many older people, even more so since COVID-19 and the need for Abbeyfield houses is as great as ever. Research shows that about 10% of New Zealanders aged 65-74, and almost 20% of those aged over 80 feel lonely all, most, or some of the time.
Abbeyfield Western Bay of Plenty Incorporated is a registered charity working with Abbeyfield New Zealand to establish an Abbeyfield house in Katikati for 14 residents. A site has been purchased, designs have been prepared and resource consent is awaited. Fundraising for the house is well underway. The committee has a passionate belief that older people, particularly those who are on limited incomes and may be lonely, should have access to affordable, safe, purpose-built accommodation.