Our Recipient Charities

The Salvation Army Tauranga
Website: www.salvationarmy.org.nz
Tel: (07) 578 4264
The Salvation Army’s mission is to care for people, transform lives and reform society. The Community Ministries centre (CM) in Tauranga provides the city and surrounds with holistic services for whanau and rangatahi to flourish and thrive with healthy relationships, homes and communities.
Services provided include social support (e.g. welfare, food and clothing, advocacy), social work support (e.g. whanau wrap around support, parenting help), counselling (e.g. therapy for distressing life situations), financial mentoring (e.g. budgeting, creditor negotiation) and community finance loans ‘Good loans’ (ethical and no interest), transitional housing, and connection to addiction and gambling treatment and support.
The Salvation Army has always been there to support people at times of need. However, the deeper purpose is to offer those people an opportunity to transform their lives; targeting the causes of distress and disadvantage and helping clients break free from stress, anxiety, poverty, violence, intergenerational patterns of under-achievement, drug use and poor health. In the year to June 30th 2023, Tauranga Community Ministries provided practical assistance to 1,201 locals of which 1,106 needed food support and 325 individuals were reaching out to the Salvation Army Tauranga for the first time.
The Salvation Army’s Bridge Addictions Programme in Tauranga supports people and/or their loved ones who find alcohol, drugs or gambling a problem in their relationships and lives, providing assessment and ongoing clinical support, with a person-centred approach. The Community Reinforcement Approach (CRA) assists individuals to overcome their misuse or dependencies and will utilise residential programmes and medical intervention where required. A holistic approach is taken, working within the Te Whare Tapa Wha model to consider with an individual, their Te taha hinengaro (Psychological Health), Te taha tinana (Physical Health), Te taha wairua (Spiritual Health) and Te taha whanau (Family Health). The Bridge works with people from ages seventeen onwards, with no upper age limit.